Monday, November 30, 2015

Monday 11-30-15

Busy busy - first day back.
We have new homerooms - yet to be named. We mixed everybody up again.
We had library and kicked off our month of reading (to complement our month of writing.) We will read as much as we can this month and write about what we read. We culminate with a formal argument essay.
We created a page two on google slides for our second trimester book log.

Homework today:
Math: Skill sheet due Friday
LA: What was the best or worst book you read first trimester? Back up your claim with evidence.
Come tomorrow ready to write your preassessment argument in class (maybe you will use that very topic that you practiced for homework....)

Read for 30 minutes.

Thursday, November 19, 2015


Only homework tonight is to finish the EXEMPLARS problem.  Students need to finish their Thanksgiving problem and work to explain how they developed their answer and show their math.  Also, be sure to make a connection - what's the big math idea in the problem.

Reading - You can continue to read and write.

Come tomorrow with an idea for your your personal narrative.

Mrs. Babbitt reminds us that Sardinia gifts are due tomorrow - she mails them after school.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Wednesday 11-18-15

In case you hadn't heard.....

Browns River Middle School is the only school in Vermont and the only school in New England! We need your votes TODAY. This is a one day vote. Your vote could be worth $100,000 to BRMS. Help us TODAY!

Browns River Middle School has an excellent chance to win a $100,000 fab lab makeover grant, which will benefit our students and our community. Every vote counts, including yours. 

Here's how you can make a difference:
1. TODAY go on Facebook and vote for Browns River Middle School at Fab School Labs . Click on the vote tab and vote for BRMS.
2. Tell your friends! Share that Facebook link with all your friends and ask them to vote BRMS TODAY.
3. Send this email to your email or Instagram contacts and ask them to go on Facebook and vote for BRMS TODAY.
4. Please use your laptop/desktop computer since the voting CANNOT be done from mobile devices TODAY before midnight EST time.

Tomorrow we have three assessments. Hopefully none to painful or long.
Social studies - you need to know how to read maps and use them to make assumptions about places.

Science - end of unit test on human body - review your notes. The test focuses on naming the parts of the digestive, circulatory and respiratory systems and explaining what each part does. ALso, how can you explain how all of the parts are interconnected.

Reading - no way to prepare, just sleep well and do your best. (NOTE - This will not be using the group novels. I extended that finish date until Friday or after vacation if need be.)

Please sleep well, eat breakfast and bring snacks and water.

We have our final assessment Friday - writing a personal narrative - again, come with all you have in story telling prowess.

Exemplars problem is due Friday. Hopefully you have in mostly done from class.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Tuesday 11-17-15

Today's homework:
Math - Exemplar due Friday - don't wait, start today
LA keep writing 20 minutes per day, you should have 5000 words by now.
Read for 20 minutes - your book group book should be 3/4 done by now. Finish by Friday.
Edutyping - goal is 160 by this week

It feels like we are pushing because we are a bit. We will finish our Discovery Simulation tomorrow and start with our Reading assessment for Star Reading.

Thursday we have three assessments:
Science end of unit
Social Studies map assessment

Reading - write about your novel and Scholastic News Reading assessment

Friday we write our post assessment personal narrative in class in the morning, then have a movie and game playing celebration.

After Thanksgiving break we will start with new homerooms and new topics.
LA Poetry and research writing
Science Cells
Social Studies - a bit more with US colonies then on to Latin America

Monday, November 16, 2015


LA writing prompts 20 minutes
Read 20 minutes
Math p. 82 ACE 16-19, 20-24, 35-52

Friday, November 13, 2015


Sorry I forgot to post again yesterday. This week has been pretty hectic for me (hopefully not so much for the kids) as I had two days of professional development going on while I was teaching.

Yesterday's homework was....
Write for 20 minutes
Read for 20 minutes
Edutyping should be up to 140 minutes with 14 lessons completed
Math - finish the work from Wednesday p. 82 1-5 and 20-22

Next Thursday and Friday and Monday and Wednesday after vacation we will be completing final assessments for report cards. (We will do our Star Reading on Wednesday before vacation, not Monday after as I previously stated. We need to do it before vacation to make sure we have all data before November ends.)

On Thursday next week we complete a map assessment and a reading assessment on paper (read it and write about it.)

On Friday next week we complete our on demand writing assessment for personal narrative. Come with an idea. We will complete the entire thing Friday morning, then celebrate with popcorn and a movie.

PLP presentations will be quick and painless and happen Monday and Friday during PLP time. You only need to present for 1-3 minutes. Tell what you studied, what you accomplished and what you used for resources.

After vacation we will have new homerooms and new topics (well new after we finish the assessment for colonies.)

We start information writing (topic - North America Exploration, Encounter & Exchange in History for National History Day.

Also, coming soon - Latin America.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015


Sorry I'm so late with the blog. I was out yesterday and didn't get to write anything then either.
Today all writing teachers (including this one) had a half day of professional development. That means I arrived to teach at noon (after the late start) so I've been flying all day. This will happen tomorrow also, but I will try to get the blog out on time.

Math: Page something with some problems in the 20's. Bad memory. This should be in your assignment book.

LA: Same for all of November - write for 20 minutes. Check the prompt page or make up your own prompt or write your Nanowrimo novel.

Read for 20-30 minutes

Monday, November 9, 2015

Monday 11-9-15

Tonight's homework
LA: Write for 20 minutes
See Prompts for November in google docs for ideas

Read 20-30 minutes

Math: Proper to improper fractions paper

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Wendesday 11-4-15

A note about candy:

Students may not have candy in the classroom. Any candy that we see will be taken and probably not returned. Candy can be eaten at lunch (in small amounts please.) Small mints that are unnoticeable will be okay if not a distraction to self or others.

Tonight's homework:
LA writing prompts - your own or check out the prompts page
Write for 20 minutes you should have 1200 words or more for November by now.
Read for 20 to 30 minutes

Math:  Equivalent Ratio worksheet
EXEMPLARS - Cookie Caper is due Friday.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Tuesday 11-3-15

If you want to publish to YWP here is the parent permission form

Tonight's homework:
LA write for 20 minutes 200-400 words - see the prompts for suggestions if you want

Read for 20-30 minutes

Math: Exemplar problem due tomorrow (Do this first) if you run out of time, catch up later on writing and reading

Monday, November 2, 2015

Monday 11-2-15

Good Monday all.

Today we start daily writing. We will write every day in class for 10 minutes (or more) and every night for 20 minutes (or more). There are prompts for each 10 minute session should you want them. You may write your NANOWRIMO novel to replace any of this.

We will share all digital work on YWP. Students should always write in googledocs and copy  and paste to YWP.

Link to prompts

Homework today:
Write for 20 minutes - pick from prompts or pick your own or NANOWRIMO
Read for 20-30 minutes

Math: Exemplars problem - work in out and start the write up.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

November 1, 2015 Special Sunday Edition

Today begins our month or writing.....
Many of us will be writing our novels for NANOWRIMO or National Novel Writing Month
Some of us will be working on our writing chops writing to different prompts everyday
Some of us will be keeping a good old fashioned Writer's Notebook where we write what we feel like writing.

No matter which plan we are following, we will each try very hard to write for 10 minutes or more at school and 20 minutes at home EVERY DAY (oh my, that means writing on the weekends!!!)

Do your best, don't beat yourself up, just write as much and as often as you can.

A rough goal is 200 words per 10 minutes (we will set our personal goals on Monday by writing as solidly as we can for 10 minutes and counting our words.)

These words can be typed on a computer or written in a journal. You can even do some of each (I know I will because I can't always have my computer with me - like in the car, but I can always have my journal.  We will write in our journal during the school day - but we can quickly move it to the computer if we are keeping a digi novel.

This will work on
stamina for writing
typing speed
quick thinking
and most of all.....
having some fun with writing.

I have updated the upcoming assignments link if you are interested.  None of these should influence homework very much.....just write and read - but do more of it.